Sunday, October 14, 2012

90 Days = A Trip to Uruguay

In order to remain in Argentina without a penalty, every 90 days American citizens must leave the country. This Saturday marked day 85 for me & Cutter, so we hopped on a boat for a last-minute weekend in Colonia, Uruguay.

Once again, we were graced with a BEAUTIFUL spring weekend. I've realized that we're really lucky to be here and doing a little traveling now, before the weather gets hot and the tourist season kicks off in Dec-Feb.

Anyhoo, I was again skeptical about Colonia, cause it kind of sounded like it would be a big tourist trap, but HOT DANG, my low expectations proved me wrong again!! It was just swell.  We just got back actually, and Cutter is on the beanbag watching Enchanted (the princess movie) dubbed in Spanish. Life aint so bad.

The cuisine in Western Uruguay is quite a bit like it is Buenos Aires, as it turns out. EXCEPT they have THIS little specialty: chivito. The layers: 1) fries, 2) lomo (thin steak), 3) cheese, 4) ham, 5) bacon, 6) fried egg. And a glass of juice. Hits the spot.

We are going to build one of these at our house someday.

Cutter scares a child.

Basically, Colonia is one sickeningly cute place. It's a peninsula on the river with an oceany feeling, with Portuguese roots, and South American charm.  Full of lovely trees, flowers, cobblestone streets, great bars and restaurants, and views of the coast in every direction. Here, we are on our way to have a glass of wine and catch the sunset.

Afterward, wine and cheese for dinner at this little tasting place in an old stone house.  "Lunch for 2 / Appetizers for 4" consisted of more cheese than I could have ever imagined eating in my life. 

Here's a crappy picture of our little table nook at this very charming place.

If you're ever in the neighborhood, go check out Colonia! Especially in the springtime.  Be prepared to do very little, except eat chivitos, have drinks on the water, watch the tourists go by on their way to the many little museums, and take naps on the rocks on the shore. Yes!!

So, that's the last post for now. Just a little update on our mini-vacations from Buenos Aires. We have about 2 months left here, and are still hoping to do a long weekend in Mendoza or Salta, and one big trip at the end to Patagonia.  In the meantime, we're still workin, studyin, and hanging out in this great big city. We have a nice little crowd of (English-speaking) buddies, and some new native friends, so Cutter and I don't have to only talk to each other. (phew.) Happy autumn to all of you in los estados unidos! Eat some apple pies for us.
signing off,

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