Saturday, November 17, 2012

Bariloche Part 1: Neon Yellow Bike Vest

Hello, hello!  Here be my final set of blog posts for this great 6-month adventure I so boringly named "Erin's Travels 2012". Wow! Well, Cutter headed out last week, and I'll be back 2 weeks behind him. I decided that I couldn't bear to keep living in Buenos Aires without him, so I thought it would be in my best interests to go to Patagonia. And I did. 

Following are three posts from the six-ish days I spent in BARILOCHE this week! I consider this a Patagonia Test Run, which I hope will inform a future trip to other, farther regions of Patagonia with Cutter and you family people who wanted to come, but didn't make it down here. I hope this will entice you to come back with me... 

Bariloche Days 1-3
Theme: Yellow
DAY 0:
The first step in any cheap Argentine vacation is a really, really long bus ride. This one was 20 hours. About 18 of them looked like this...
 DAY 1:
...until BAM we were in Patagonia! All mountains and lakes, and more mountains and lakes, and beautifulness. Here is travel buddy Daniel on the beach on Day 1. Daniel was in charge of making sure no Latin men spoke to me while Cutter was gone. Note: Snow-capped mountains in the background. I don't know how many times I said "wow."

The view from the hostel.

It's still springtime down here, and we happened to come to Bariloche when it is TOTALLY covered in yellow flowers. Yellow flowers are my favorite.  Also, it was 75 and sunny every day with a cool breeze, and 55 at night. Que linda!
I know, I know. I. Look. Good. There's nothing more sexy than bicycle safety.

Day2 in Bariloche consisted of a day of mountain biking. Those of you who know me may know that I'm not much of a mountain biker. Luckily, we went out with a buddy from the hostel who later told us he was a "Survival Runner" and had"biked the alps."  So... we just let him peddle on ahead.  Anyway, we DID bike part of the Short Circuit, a beauty of a 27 km trail with amazing vistas of the lakes, mountains, and peninsulas. We also took a short, steep hike up to the top of Cerro Campanario for a smashing 360 degree view. See below for more scenes from Day 2. It was like living in a postcard....Living in a postcard where I live in a neon yellow reflective vest.

DAY 3: Villa la Angostura
After physically exerting ourselves so on Day 2, we decided to take it a little easier on Day 3. We caught a bus along the first leg of the Seven Lakes Route to a little town called Villa la Angostura.  These orange trees were RAD. (embothrium coccineum.)

Araucaria araucana. Monkey Puzzle Tree. Neato!

The main activity of this day was sitting on the tip of the dock in the sun and watch the crazy people swim in the icy water. I stuck my feet in. It hurt. Looking was good enough.

Nice sunset views whizzing by on the bus ride back.

On to the next day...

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